Naftan Payesh Consumption Management and Integration Clinic
Naftanpayesh Company, with the support of years of specialized knowledge and experience in various fields of engineering and management and benefiting from innovative activities, protects physical assets and continues the production cycle. The gift of Naftan is to monitor the reduction of maintenance costs, increase safety and protect the environment by establishing various components of the corrosion management system and integration. Naftan’s mission is supply chain management through training, research and laboratory activities, design, engineering and construction, reverse engineering, quality control and business affairs at the national and international levels.

Dr. Rasoul Amini
Naftan Payesh Knowledge-Based Company was founded in 2017 by Dr. Rasoul Amini with the support of Shiraz University of Technology and Fars Science and Technology Park. He is currently working as an associate professor at Shiraz University of Technology and is a well-known figure in the field of corrosion and cathodic protection. Dr. Rasoul Amini has participated in several industrial projects with oil and gas industries, the most important of which are the cathodic protection projects of Amirkabir Petrochemical and the study and estimation of the remaining life of underground water pipelines of Fajr Petrochemical. In addition to a brilliant resume in the field of industry, he also has significant honors in the fields of science and research, and so far he has published many articles in the fields of metallurgy, corrosion and electrochemistry in prestigious international journals.