A corrosion management system (CMS) is a documented set of processes and instructions needed to plan, execute and improve an organization’s capabilities. It is also used to manage a threat called corrosion of assets and asset system.
General description
A CMS cannot be an independent management system. This is due to the need to manage to manage corrosion risk throughout the asset life cycle by different groups in an organization. Typically, a CMS takes the form of components created within a defined framework in the management system.
The CMS should be part of an organization’s asset management system (AIMS). ). The CMS should be designed to manage corrosion threats as well as other non-corrosive threats to assets or asset systems.
For example, the diagram below shows the intercommunication of different organizational management systems for a pipeline company. CMS is included.

These organizational management systems address important issues such as safety, quality, structural integrity and the environment. They are also often present in many organs. For organizations without a management system, establishing a management system takes precedence over corrosion management.
Interaction between CMS and other organizational management systems
The following figure shows the interaction between CMS and other organizational management systems. This figure is divided into standard management system elements and corrosion specific elements.
The diagram shows two branches of the management system:
(i) Management system elements that include all threats (including corrosion)
(ii) Corrosion-specific elements
The elements of the management system are hierarchically defined at the top of the triangle. These elements include policies, strategies, goals and facilitators, controls and actions.
Facilitating elements and controllers are among the sub-elements. These elements apply to all elements of the management system, including the following:
- Corrosion
- Organization
- References
- Risk management
- Training and competence
- Management review
- Continuous improvement
(Complete list of sub-elements is given in the diagram)

Putting corrosion management within a general management system, through the elements of standard management system
Corrosion-specific elements are implemented through programs, procedures and working methods.
The following figure shows how corrosion management is integrated into a general management system through elements of standard management system.
The diagram in the figure below shows the risk-based corrosion planning process, similar to ISO 31000, the principles and guidelines of risk management, which include risk assessment and prevention or mitigation.

Requires high technical knowledge
This type of analysis, located in the lower two parts of the management pyramid, requires high technological knowledge of potential corrosion mechanisms or available items to reduce.
This process can also serve as input to a full risk-based decision-making process that includes consequences and related contexts; As explained later in this section.
However, other methods of corrosion planning processes may be used, depending on the industry, compliance, required reliability and ROI considerations.
It is important to note that regardless of the type of corrosion planning process, personnel, programs, procedures and procedures are controlled and optimized through elements of a standard management system.
Example one; Personnel training and competence
Personnel training and competency perform corrosion assessments or determine prevention or mitigation options. This must be done through a defined management system and done continuously.
In addition, the communication channels and applicable forms or documents can be improved through a standard and continuous management system.
Corrosion management system plans should be communicated to all relevant operators in the same amount of detail as their involvement or business interests in the delivery of the plans.
Corrosion management system plans should be communicated to all relevant operators in the same amount of detail as their involvement or business interests in the delivery of the plans.
- The corrosion type observed or expected
- The life cycle of the asset or asset systems
- Return on investment (ROI)
- The criticality of the assets or asset systems
- The applicable regulatory requirements
- The available methods options
Example two; The final level of CMS elements
The final level of CMS elements; Examples of specific corrosion processes and documentation include procedures and working methods resulting from corrosion programs. This includes the implementation, verification, inspection and mitigation approach.
For example, if re-coating is a mitigation option selected during the corrosion planning process, relevant methods and working methods may include surface preparation, coating application and post-coating inspection.
To maximize effectiveness, CMS must eliminate corrosion threats at every important stage of the asset life cycle, from design to operation. This is shown in the figure below.
In addition, CMS continuous improvement processes make it possible to review and improve not only the lifetime of a particular asset, but also the life cycles of similar assets of an organization.
In this context, the term “asset” is an individual asset, the type of assets or asset systems that an organization acquires, builds or increases.

Elements of a NACE Corrosion Management System
The framework of the corrosion management system or CMS is based on a series of basic principles to ensure the effectiveness, stability and correlation of corrosion management processes.
Implementing corrosion management in an integrated and comprehensive manner at all stages of asset integrity management is an area in which many organizations have identified the need for guidance in that area. The following sections identify the elements required for an optimal CMS system.
Related article: What is corrosion?
Corrosion management policy, strategy and objective
The Corrosion management policy includes the principles and requirements. Principles and requirements are used to manage the threat of corrosion over the life cycle of assets and asset systems.
The Corrosion management policy must be aligned with the organization’s assessment mission through and values through the organizational strategic plan. This policy lays the foundation for the corrosion management strategy, or the long-term plan for managing corrosion over an organization’s assets and asset systems by way of specific and measurable objectives.
During the development and formulation of policies, strategies and objectives of corrosion management, internal or external contexts should be considered. Attention should also be paid to the environments in which the organization strives to achieve its goals.
Examples of external contexts include the regulatory environment and the organization’s revenue. Examples of internal contexts include organizational culture as well as internal standards and business models.
Corrosion management policies, strategies and objectives may be contained in separate documents. But ideally they align with the policies, strategies and goals used to manage other threats against the valuables of the organization or asset systems.
It should be noted that some organizations understand the importance of the high need for management.
One of the participants in one of the meetings of the Central Middle East Association, which was conducted during the IMPACT review, states that:
Corrosion managementis extremely important in the senior management system. It is also a tool for managing asset integrity. The company is built on an asset association and each has asset standards to follow. A CEO determines the asset management policy.
The CEO of a major pipeline company in India states:
Companies need to have a strong corrosion management system in place. This system includes the following:
- Approved policy
- Plans and strategies
- Objectives
- Processes and agendas
- Control and inspection methods
- Structures
- Experts
- References
Related article: What is cathodic protection?
Facilities, controls and actions
An optimized CMS requires defined and documented responsibilities throughout the organization with respect to the task of corrosion management.
Defined duties and responsibilities include personnel involved in the development, implementation, review and continuous improvement of the CMS, as well as personnel who perform corrosion assessments and prioritize corrosion prevention and mitigation activities.
Often, maps and responsibilities are linked by an organizational chart. In addition, any external personnel, such as a contractor or consultant, should be included in the organizational charts.
Contractors, Suppliers and vendors
When utilizing contractor services, the organization is responsible for verifying that the contractor services meet or exceed the requirements of the CMS. Additionally, the contractors should be held responsible for meeting or exceeding the requirements of the CMS as defined by the organization. The same considerations should be applied to the qualification of any subcontractors used by the contractor.
Related article: Iron corrosion and prevention methods