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API 750 Process Risks

It is important to pay attention to safety issues, as the amount of financial and human losses that occur annually in the chemical, oil and gas industries is very high. Although some of these accidents can be compensated, the detection of hazards that lead to accidents and the risk analysis of industrial units can be an important step in reducing the risk of accidents.

One of the methods of risk analysis and identification is HAZOP, which explores the root causes of process problems.

It should be noted that if the root causes of accidents are not properly identified and remain in the system, in combination with specific operating conditions, hardware malfunctions, human errors and organizational defects occur in the form of another accident. Naftan Payesh Corrosion and Integration Management Company seeks to assist industries in implementing analysis systems and identifying process hazards in accordance with API 750 guidelines.

مخاطرات فرآیندی API 750

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