naftanpayesh services

Risk based Inspection (RBI)

Risk-based inspection is the process of developing an inspection plan based on awareness of destruction and failure risk. Risk is the basic process of analysis. This is a combination of the possibility of failure and destruction due to a defect with a change in the consequences of such destruction.

Information obtained from this process used to identify (a) the type of potential damage, (b) the cases in which such damage may occur, (c) the rate at which damage develops, and (d) the hazards that will result in failure.

High-risk areas usually have valid demolition mechanisms with high consequences of structural demolition, hazardous material release, or energy storage. Risk-based inspections may be applied in any industrial sector, but the greatest interest is in the energy and petrochemical sectors. The industry recognizes RBI as a way to earn long-term economic benefits.

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